1300 730 896

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy & Procedures


This document is Cloud Flow’s (also the parent company of the direct to market brands QuickAir, Quick Tech and Quick Spark) COVID Safe Plan.

This document is refreshed from time to time and this version – dated 28th February 2021 – reflects the current situation, the information we have to hand and all reasonable attempts to involve our staff, subcontractors and customers.

Each time this document is revised, or anytime we feel a reminder needs to be sent, this document will be circulated to our subcontractors, staff, enterprise customers and direct to market customers (displayed on our websites).

We have and continue to take our responsibilities for the safety of all our staff, customers, subcontractors and stakeholders extremely seriously. This document must be read in full by all our staff and subcontractors.

Six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces

Ensure physical distancing

  • Ensure workers and visitors are 1.5 metres apart as much as possible
  • Display signs to show patron limits at the entrance of enclosed areas where limits apply
  • Ensure employees work from home wherever possible
  • Apply the four square metre rule to configure shared work areas and publicly accessible spaces.

Wear a face mask

  • Ensure all workers and visitors entering the worksite wear a face mask as per public health advice
  • Provide adequate face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers who do not have their own.

Practise good hygiene

  • Frequently and regularly clean and disinfect shared spaces, including high touch communal items such as doorknobs and telephones
  • Make soap and hand sanitiser available for all workers and customers throughout the worksite and encourage regular handwashing.

Keep records and act quickly

  • Support workers to get tested and stay home even if they only have mild symptoms
  • Develop a business contingency plan to manage any outbreaks
  • Keep records of all people who enter the workplace for contact tracing.

Avoid interactions in enclosed spaces

  • Move as much activity outside as possible, including meetings, tearooms, lunch breaks, locker rooms, and serving customers
  • Enhance airflow by opening windows and doors.

Create workforce bubbles

  • Keep groups of workers rostered on the same shifts at a single worksite and ensure there is no overlap of workers during shift changes.


Call Centre staff have been working from home since March 9th. For restrictions in Vic see:


When the time comes to return to the office safely we’ll discuss this in consultation with our staff, referring to the Vic State Governments guidelines, see:


Highlighting the following safe Practices:

COVIDSafe Principles for business

Every Victorian business that is open must have a COVIDSafe Plan.

Businesses should apply the principles of COVIDSafe workplaces https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/six-principles-covidsafe-workplaces:

  • ensure physical distancing (1.5 metres)
  • wear a face mask
  • practise good hygiene
  • keep good records and act quickly if workers become unwell
  • avoid interactions in close spaces
  • create workforce bubbles.

See our Sector Guidance https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/guidance-sectors pages for further guidance and frequently asked questions for your sector.


In addition to this Policy document all our Subcontractors received an email from Cloud Flow dated 4 August 2020 with additional references for those not trading as sole traders to prepare their own action plans as follows:

For those Vic Subcontractors that work in teams i.e. are not sole traders, we strongly recommend that you build your own COVID 19 Action Plan. This website is very helpful for this action item:


For Vic Techs this is a useful restriction checker:


Staff must familiarise themselves with this document. Staff must ensure they stay abreast of changes in restrictions by region as detailed in this document. When in contact with Subcontractors we need to be checking that they are following the restrictions and the COVID Safe Plan in their respective region. If there is a COVID  incident reported in the field, all information must be documented in an Incident Report and for Suncorp repeated in detail in ClaimsHub.


See: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/creating-a-covidsafe-workplace#covidsafe-principles-for-business

Both QuickAir & Quick Spark are deemed as essential services, however, the recent changes being implemented in lockdown procedure means that we can no longer visit sites for general servicing or maintenance at residential or commercial properties. Only urgent or emergency onsite work for breakdown or repairs are allowed, so long as it directly affects the health or well-being of the occupant of any household or property. The following items must be adhered to by all Subcontractors:

  • Masks, and any other PPE as directed, are to be worn at all times on-site when directed. There is no exception to this rule in any Victorian jurisdiction
  • Social distancing is still to be put into practice at all times when on-site
  • Hand sanitiser must be carried with you, and worksite to be thoroughly cleaned prior to leaving
  • If you feel unwell or have any symptoms, whether minor or not, please call the office immediately and do carry out your scheduled jobs
  • Sub Contractors, if they have been indoors must sanitise the areas they have been in and worked in. A new cloth and disinfectant spray to wipe down all areas, after they have been thoroughly cleaned of dust and grease in the usual manner, then the cloth is to be disposed of and not used again
  • See the sections below on Prevention, Hygiene and Customer contact (with scripts)
  • Permitted workers permits must be carried and logbooks filled out when travelling.

New South Wales

See: https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/resource-library/COVID-19-Coronavirus

  • Although not a legal requirement at this point, the state’s health ministers have strongly recommended the use of masks for all on-site visitations.
  • Social distancing is still to be put into practice at all times when on-site, so please be mindful of this
  • Hand sanitiser should be carried with you, and worksite to be thoroughly cleaned prior to leaving
  • If you feel unwell or have any symptoms, whether minor or not, please call the office immediately and do carry out your scheduled jobs
  • Sub Contractors, if they have been indoors must sanitise the areas they have been in and worked in. A new cloth and disinfectant spray to wipe down all areas, after they have been thoroughly cleaned of dust and grease in the usual manner, then the cloth is to be disposed of and not used again
  • See the sections below on Prevention, Hygiene and Customer contact (with scripts)

WA, QLD, ACT, NT, and Tasmania

We insist our Techs in these states still practice all the social distancing and other requirements we’re familiar with (see above) and strongly recommend they wear face coverings when on-site as an additional and safe precaution.

  • Sub Contractors, if they have been indoors must sanitise the areas they have been in and worked in. A new cloth and disinfectant spray to wipe down all areas, after they have been thoroughly cleaned of dust and grease in the usual manner, then the cloth is to be disposed of and not used again.

We’ve listed the COVID safe workplace practices guidelines and recommendations issued by each state government below. Whilst they are similar in nature from state to state we strongly advise our Techs to be familiar with best practices in their respective territory.











Or: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces

Subcontractors must continue to read this document. There are discussions below on what to say and do onsite and how to get diagnosed and treated etc.

Cloud Flow will provide any assistance required by our subcontractors to find, interpret and build their own Covid Safe Plans. Please make contact with the Tech Manager (number below).

As a Cloud Flow Subcontractor, we request you:

  • Familiarise yourself and your teams with this communication
  • Continue to follow Workplace Health and Safety legislation
  • Stay up to date and follow all official health advice from the Australian Government Department of Health and NZ Ministry of Health
  • Call us on 03 9912 7141 if you are unsure or have any further concerns or queries

Coronavirus – General Information

Prevention – Hygiene and Customer contact

Good hygiene

The most effective way to reduce the risk of transmission is to ensure good hygiene – make sure you and your team wash your hands frequently (using soap and warm water).

Customer contact

It is important that you feel safe. Any concerns raised either when booking your appointment or onsite should be managed through your internal escalation procedures.


Field-based staff are encouraged to minimise the risks to themselves by not shaking hands with others. Use your own or the following scripting when attending to a customer’s home.

“I am sure you have heard a lot on the news about Coronavirus, so as not to put either of us in an uncomfortable position, I will just say hello and let you know that I’m following all the recommendations as dictated by our State Government such as face-covering, social distancing and hand sanitising.”

Follow with:

“For your information, I just wanted to let you know that I have not travelled overseas within the last 14 days and I have not come into contact with anyone suffering from Coronavirus or demonstrating symptoms of the virus nor am I waiting for test results.”

“Can I ask, have you or anyone in the home travelled overseas in the last month, come into contact with anyone who is confirmed with the virus, waiting for test results in the household or demonstrating symptoms that you are concerned about?”

If yes, immediately conduct a risk assessment, and call Cloud Flow on 03 9912 7141.

Also, follow the requirements as governed by your respective State Governments details of which can be found above and any dialogue which you feel appropriate in your State. Diagnosis, treatment and isolation


Staff, trades, or customers who become unwell and/or think may have symptoms of coronavirus, need to seek medical attention. They must

  • Call ahead of time to book an appointment. Tell the doctor about their symptoms, travel history, and any recent close contact with someone who has coronavirus.
  • Wear a surgical mask (if they have one) to protect others if leaving home to see the doctor.
  • Call 000 for urgent medical help if having any serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing.

Information about getting tested:

see: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/getting-tested

Step-by-step advice

  1. If you are feeling unwell do not go to work.
  2. Check your symptoms – you may have coronavirus (COVID-19) if you have any of the following: fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose and loss of sense of smell or taste.
  3. Get tested at a nearby testing location if you have any of the symptoms. Return home immediately.
  4. Wait for your test results. Do not go to work or go out shopping, stay at home. It usually takes between 1 and 3 days for your results to be returned to you. If you are worried your results are taking too long you can call a service provider for more information.
  5. If you are worried you will lose pay while you wait for your results you may be eligible for a $300 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment.
  6. If you test negative, go about your normal activity, following the restrictions for your location.
  7. If you test positive we will contact you. You will need to self-isolate for 14 days. Do not go to work. If you are worried you will lose pay you may be eligible for a $1500 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worker Support Payment.
  8. If your condition worsens contact your GP or a health professional.  If you become very unwell and are having trouble breathing contact triple zero (000), you may need to be admitted to the hospital.
  9. If you have tested positive, have self-isolated for 14 days and have recovered you can resume your normal activity, following the restrictions for your location.


There is no treatment for coronavirus, but medical care can treat most of the symptoms. Antibiotics do not work on viruses.

People diagnosed with coronavirus must isolate themselves at home.


People diagnosed with Coronavirus are advised not to go to public places, such as work, school, shopping centres, childcare or university.

If possible, ask other people to get food and other necessities for you and leave them at your front door.

Only people who usually live with the person should be in your home. They are not to let in visitors.

Returning from overseas

Based on official advice from the AU and NZ Government and State health authorities, people who have visited or transited through selected countries since the identified effective dates, are required to self-isolate until 14 days have elapsed after leaving these destinations.


If a customer or anyone in their home is diagnosed with Coronavirus (or is required to undertake mandatory self-isolation) advise them to contact Cloud Flow on 03 9912 7141.

What to do if you have come in contact with someone with the virus

Principles for interactions with a person exposed to COVID-19:

  • Ensure and protect confidentiality.
  • Demonstrate ethical and professional conduct.
  • Create a judgement-free zone.
  • Be open-minded (everyone has a unique story).
  • Be attentive and respectful.
  • Be aware of your own bias (cultural humility).
  • Establish open dialogue and pause often to listen.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Use reflective listening techniques.
  • Use culturally and linguistically appropriate language.
  • Employ critical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Adapt to address concerns/information that naturally arises during the conversation.
  • Identify areas of need and link to appropriate resources.
  • Don’t overstep or overpromise.
  • Set the stage for ongoing communication and support during the quarantine.


The information within this document is based on public advice from the Department of Health and is subject to change. For the latest advice, information and resources, go to health.gov.au

Call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

The phone number of your state or territory public health agency is available at health.gov.au/state-territory-contacts