Should I Replace or Repair My AC Unit

Get QuickAir
20 Oct 2018
2 Min Read

Deciding between replacing and repairing an air conditioner can be a tough task for many homeowners in the summer. In many cases, an HVAC contractor might try to make a big deal and persuade you to buy an expensive model. That’s why it is essential to consider every factor carefully to avoid wasting your money. Here are seven questions to ask before your deciding to replace or repair an air conditioner.

1. How old is your air conditioning system?

On average, an AC system can last from 10 to 15 years. Those homeowners who get the full lifespan are maintaining their unit well by having it cleaned and tuned up annually by a licensed HVAC professional. Near the end of an air conditioner, you might notice frequent breakdowns. In general, it is recommended a replacement every ten years. However, this shouldn’t be the only decisive factor.

2. Do you consistently maintain the unit?

While regular air conditioning repair and maintenance doesn’t ensure that your AC system will last long, it is likely to maximise the unit’s lifespan by preventing common air conditioning problems due to dust buildup or faulty components. So if you have done this task consistently, perhaps you know exactly the overall condition of the system. Otherwise, consider hiring an air conditioning repair technician to check.

3. How much must you pay for the repairs?

If the cost of the air conditioning repair is too high, it’s better to replace with a new system. Keep in mind that the repairs are never higher than a replacement, so how would you know if these are exorbitant?
A useful tip is to multiply the repair cost and the age of the system in years. If you get a higher result than the price of a new AC system, then it is advisable to choose a replacement.

4. Which refrigerant does your AC system use?

AC units need refrigerants to start the process of cooling. Older models use Freon, which is limited by the government to reduce energy consumption. As a result, the expenses of this refrigerant is quickly rising. So if your current air conditioner uses Freon, it’s better to replace with a new model that uses cheaper R-410 refrigerant.

5. Have your energy bills increased considerably?

If you notice a significant increase in the recent energy bills, then it’s time to replace your AC system. If you aren’t sure whether this rise is the result of an inefficient unit or a seasonal fluctuation, there are a few online sites that can help you check out.

6. Do you find it difficult to keep your house cool?

If you find it hard to keep your house at an ideal temperature during hot days, it might be a sign of an improperly sized unit or aging system. Regardless of the underlying causes, a new replacement might be better.

7. Do you have additional needs?

These days, modern air conditioners can do more than just cooling your house. These are designed with more energy efficient features to help reduce your electricity bills. Besides, you would save money on air-quality devices such as air purifiers or humidifiers by upgrading to a programmable thermostat.